Gupta Tutorial

Why should you study at TU Affiliated BCA Colleges in Nepal?


BCA stands for Bachelor in Computer Application which was first introduced by Purbanchal University and Pokhara University in Nepal. TU launched the BCA program after 4 years of researching in a course which meets the current market demand. BCA is also the Domain of IT like B.Sc.CSIT, BIT and BIM. As of now, there has been only the 6th batch of BCA in TU and this year, the 7th batch would be there. It is a four-year course with a semester system along with 3 total projects which no other IT course provides; neither B.Sc.CSIT, BIT nor BIM, plus four elective subjects.

What is BCA?

The main focus of BCA course is towards application development, i.e. most of the BCA graduates work as software engineer’s. Most of the programming courses are introduced as core subjects of BCA along with database, network, computer architecture, data structures and algorithms, digital logic and so on.

Why Study BCA?

BCA is the domain of IT. IT is taken as the most successful course in the world in the recent date and is expected to be the same because we all are directly or indirectly connected with Information Technology. There is no sector, where computers aren’t being used in the modern time, and undoubtedly, there is at least one IT officer in each sector where technology is being used. Demand of IT is everywhere; whether it be in a hospital or a construction company as well as software and telecommunication companies and banks. It is also a great thing that IT course graduates can work in multinational companies like Google, Facebook, Viber, PayPal, etc. as well as establish their own company. In the present world, people hardly know the name of doctors and engineers, but everyone knows the CEOs of top IT companies as they have got their name, fame and wealth. Who doesn’t know about Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? Most of the successful business people are either from the IT domain or they are making use of IT in their works. Rejecting an IT course would be the worst decision ever taken as the world is living in the age of Information and Technology. 

What are the scopes of BCA?

BCA graduates have good scope in jobs as a Web Developer, Web Designer, Network Administrator, System Manager, Computer Programmer, Software Developer, Software Tester, Project manager etc. 

What after BCA?

1) Education wise :

After completing BCA students can apply for MCA, MBA and MIT which is taken as the most reputed Master degree all around the world. 

2) Work wise 

After completing BCA students can work in any field as mentioned previously 

a) Medicinal industry & Hospital 

b) Banks 

c) Internet company 

d) IT company 

e) Software house 

f) Airport

g) Cybercrime bureau 

h) Army / National agency 

i) Telecom

j) NGOs, INGOs

k) Government officer 

Almost every sector is touched and linked with IT.

Why choose BCA over other IT domains like B.Sc.CSIT, BIT and BIM?

BCA is a newly introduced course, rather than other courses with infrequently updated syllabus. If you want to meet current market demand, you can chose BCA and plus point is no study load to the student with almost 40 marks practical knowledge and 60 marks written, where it’s divided into 2 parts, first part 10 marks MCQ and 50 marks pure written with 3 hours of exam duration and BCA provides 3 project starting from 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year. Due to this, students can focus on other IT topics like python, CCNA, Ethical Hacking etc. easily without taking semester pressure.


1) You’ll not be able to write an engineer in your name tag after graduation.

2) As you know, this is like a sub branch of IT which focus on application specially coding so, there are not enough field like csit where you can join after graduation.

 3) BCA affiliated by TU falls in Humanities faculty so, be clear about this things.

Curricular structure of BCA


Computer Application (Core Courses)-71

Elective Courses -12

Mathematics and Statistics Courses -9

Language Courses -6

Social Sciences and Management Courses -15

Project & Internships -13

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