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Practice Questions | B.Sc.CSIT Entrance Exam | Set-4 |

The practice questions for the B.Sc. CSIT Entrance Exam are meticulously crafted to align with the updated syllabus, covering essential subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, and Computer Science. These questions provide a robust resource for comprehensive exam preparation, helping you to thoroughly grasp the core concepts and become familiar with the exam’s question formats.

Each subject is thoughtfully organized to match the current curriculum, ensuring you are fully equipped to tackle every part of the exam. Consistent practice with these questions will not only reinforce your knowledge but also boost your confidence in handling various types of problems. Whether you need to enhance your mathematical abilities, deepen your understanding of scientific concepts, or improve your language skills, these practice questions are an indispensable asset on your path to exam success..

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 After changing the B.Sc.CSIT Entrance Exam Syllabus, here is the Practice Questions Set-4 based on the New syllabus for you. You are about to take the exam based on the New Syllabus. The exam will cover the following subjects:

 Group 'A' - Mathematics(25 marks)

Group 'B' - Physics(25 marks)

Group 'C' - Chemistry(25 marks)

Group 'D' - English(15 marks) & Computer Related(10 marks)

Total Marks: 100 marks

1 / 100

1. Ester is formed by the reaction between.

2 / 100

2. The main constituent of vinegar is

3 / 100

3. A bee-sting leaves an acid that causes pain and irritation. The injected acid is

4 / 100

4. In which among the following organic compound ,carboxyl group is present

5 / 100

5. Which of the following does not contain COOH group?

6 / 100

6. Formic acid can reduce

7 / 100

7. Acid formed from spinach is

8 / 100

8. Which of the following on hydrolysis forms acetic acid

9 / 100

9. Sodium acetate when heated with soda lime gives

10 / 100

10. Benzyl alcohol is oxidized with KMnO4 the product obtained is which of the following compounder

11 / 100

11. Which of the following is most acidic

12 / 100

12. Carbyl amine reaction is gives by

13 / 100

13. Which of the following has the most basic character?

14 / 100

14. Grignard reagent on treating with carbon dioxide gives

15 / 100

15. Acid halide treating with H2 /Pd – BaSO4 gives aldehyde this reaction is known as

16 / 100

16. Ethanoic anhydride on reduction with LiAIH4 gives

17 / 100

17. Ethanoyl chloride on treating with H2 + Pd/ BaSO4 gives

18 / 100

18. -NO-group is

19 / 100

19. Benzoic acid on reduction with red P+HI gives

20 / 100

20. Halogenations of nitrobenzene occurs at

21 / 100

21. Functional group ester is

22 / 100

22. Functional isomer of ester is

23 / 100

23. Ethanenitrile on reduction with red P+HI gives:

24 / 100

24. Hydrolysis of acid amide gives.

25 / 100

25. Which of the following remains unreactive in Hoffman's separation of primary secondary and tertiary amine

26 / 100

26. The dimensional formula for potential difference is

27 / 100

27. The acceleration of a particle in SHM is……………..

28 / 100

28. The image of an object placed at the focus of a concave mirror is a

29 / 100

29. Light of wave length 7200 A˚ in air has a wave length in glass  equal to……..

30 / 100

30. Two electric bulbs have resistances in the ratio 1 : 2. If they are joined in series, the energy consumed in these are in the ratio ................

31 / 100

31. The energy stored in a 50mH inductor carrying a current of 4A is

32 / 100

32. Hard X-rays as compared to soft X-rays have

33 / 100

33. The self-inductance of a straight wire is

34 / 100

34. A wave is reflected from a rigid support. The change of phase on reflection will be

35 / 100

35. A car at rest is playing ‘HORN’. If it starts moving towards you, the pitch heard would be

36 / 100

36. In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum does the lyman series of H-atom lie?

37 / 100

37. Which of the following gases possess maximum RMS speed at a given temperature?

38 / 100

38. A person cannot see object clearly beyond 50cm. The power of the lens to correct the vision is

39 / 100

39. A 25w, 120v lamp and 100w , 120v lamp are connected in series across a 120v line. Which lamp will burn more brightly?

40 / 100

40. The half-life of a substance is 1600 years. The mean life is

41 / 100

41. Rydberg constant is

42 / 100

42. The radius of earth is 6400 km. the capacitance is:

43 / 100

43. At what temperature the rms velocity of a hydrogen molecule be equal to that of oxygen at 47°c

44 / 100

44. The number of significant figures in 0.0030*10^11m are

45 / 100

45. When a torque acts on a body, the change in angular momentum of the body is

46 / 100

46. The bending of sound waves through the corners of the obstacle is called

47 / 100

47. When a tuning fork is vibrated its prongs have a phase difference of: a.0  b. π/4  c. π  d. 2π

48 / 100

48. A charged particle enters in a strong magnetic field . Then its kinetic energy

49 / 100

49. The kinetic energy of a particle is doubled, de broglie wavelength becomes

50 / 100

50. Two simple harmonic waves are represented respectively by y1=a1 sinωt and y2= a2cosωt. The phase difference between the two waves is

51 / 100

51. Inscription on a tomb is called .....

52 / 100

52. A after he finished the exam, he .... to the teacher.

53 / 100

53. Every week she ..... her sister in her village to talk to her.

54 / 100

54. He has a coat ..... five pockets.

55 / 100

55. The captain ...., not realizing that the icebergs were so close.

56 / 100

56. After a month’s treatment at a hospital my brother is ....

57 / 100

57. He died ... cancer but she died ... a train accident

58 / 100

58. It is a lovely place to live .....

59 / 100

59. The gun .... by mistake

60 / 100

60. The word “brother” takes the suffix.

61 / 100

61. The word “desirable” takes the –prefix

62 / 100

62. He has ..... friends because of his short temperament.

63 / 100

63. Which is the correct expression?

64 / 100

64. Every boy and every girl ..... very responsible.

65 / 100

65. Which of the following is passive sentences?

66 / 100

66. The primary component responsible for interpreting and executing instructions in a computer system is:

67 / 100

67. Which of the following is a markup language?

68 / 100

68. The process of reorganizing data on a disk to improve efficiency and speed is called:

69 / 100

69. The basic unit of a digital image, often used in graphics, is called:

70 / 100

70. Which of the following is an output device?

71 / 100

71. What does FTP stand for?

72 / 100

72. Which of the following is considered volatile memory?

73 / 100

73. Which of the following is a web browser?

74 / 100

74. The software that acts as an intermediary between the user and the computer hardware is called:

75 / 100

75. Which of the following is a cross-platform framework used for developing mobile apps?

76 / 100

76. Solve the equation 2(x−3)+4=10. What is the value of ?

77 / 100

77. Which of the following is the interval notation for the inequality 3≤x<8?

78 / 100

78. The polar coordinates of the point (x,y)=(2,2) are: r=2√2,θ=45°

79 / 100

79. If ∣2x−3∣=5, what are the possible values of ?

80 / 100

80. Find the stationary points of the curve f(x)=x^3−3x^2+2.

81 / 100

81. The sum of three cube roots of unity is

82 / 100

82. If y=sin⁡^3(x), then dy/dx is:

83 / 100

83. The value of the integral ∫x^2 dx is:

84 / 100

84. The area under the curve y=x^2 between x=0 and x=2 is:

85 / 100

85. If f(x)=2x+3 and g(x)=x^2, then the composition (f∘g)(x is:

86 / 100

86. Determine whether the following system of equations has a solution: 3x+4y=7 and 6x+8y=14.

87 / 100

87. If the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 has real and equal roots, which of the following must be true?

88 / 100

88. The lines represented by ax^2+2hxy+by^2=0 are perpendicular if:

89 / 100

89. The derivative of the function f(x)=x^3−6x^2+9x+1 is zero at:

90 / 100

90. Find the second derivative of the function g(x)=x^4 - 4x^3 + 6x^2. At which point does the function have an inflection point?

91 / 100

91. Find the distance between the point (3,4) and the line 3x−4y+12=0.

92 / 100

92. The lines represented by 3x^2 + 4xy + y^2 = are coincident if:

93 / 100


94 / 100


95 / 100


96 / 100


97 / 100


98 / 100


99 / 100


100 / 100


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The average score is 53%


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