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2071 Entrance Questions

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2071 Entrance Questions

Welcome to the B.Sc.CSIT Entrance Preparation Website. You are about to take the exam based on the 2071 past year questions. The exam will cover the following subjects:

English: 25 marks
Physics: 25 marks
Mathematics: 25 marks
Chemistry: 25 marks

Total Marks: 100 marks

1 / 100

1. The word “education” has the stress on the …………. syllable.

2 / 100

2. Select the right synonym to the word “ardous”

3 / 100

3. Give the opposite meaning of “obscure”

4 / 100

4. The initial consonant sound of “chef” is the same as that of ..…

5 / 100

5. Which of the following pair has the same vowel sound?

6 / 100

6. I completely differ ………… you ………… this point

7 / 100

7. We feel sympathy ……… the poor

8 / 100

8. He insisted …………leaving immediately.

9 / 100

9. Tick the correct word to the red expression. No one knows his hole and corner method of dealing with people

10 / 100

10. Food that agree to one’s taste is ……………

11 / 100

11. The word “pleased” takes the prefix …………

12 / 100

12. One who is present everywhere is…………

13 / 100

13. Fear of food is called as ……

14 / 100

14. A funeral bell is called

15 / 100

15. People …… a large number of computers now, because prices are getting low

16 / 100

16. Although they are similar, chipmunks are ………most other ground squirrels

17 / 100

17. She …………the whole day long.

18 / 100

18. Now a days Shyam is ……… busy to take care of his health.

19 / 100

19. She demanded ………… her status.

20 / 100

20. The mail comes at ten O’clock everyday ……… Saturday.

21 / 100

21. In my office, salary is paid by ……… month.

22 / 100

22. Every boy and every girl ………… very responsible

23 / 100

23. Which of the following is accepted?

24 / 100

24. Which of the following is a complex sentence?

25 / 100

25. Which of the following is an adjective?

26 / 100

26. If |𝑥 − 3| = 4 then x is

Modulus represent +ve & -ve

27 / 100

27. If {𝑥 − 𝑥^2 = 9 and 2𝑥 = 6},then

28 / 100

28. If f: R →R defined by 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥^2 + 3 then 𝑓 ¯¹(4) is

29 / 100

29. Logarithmic functions

30 / 100

30. If cos^2 𝜃 =1/2, then θ is

31 / 100

31. 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (sin¯¹ 3/5) =

32 / 100

32. If 𝑎^2, 𝑏^2, 𝑐^2 are in H.P. then

33 / 100

33. Matrix multiplication

34 / 100


35 / 100

35. The system of equations 2𝑥 + 𝑦 = 5 ; 4𝑥 + 2𝑦 =8 is

36 / 100

36. Complex number

37 / 100



38 / 100

38. If the roots of 𝑥^2 + 4𝑥 + 𝑘 = 0,are equal then k is

39 / 100

39. The two lines a1x +b1y +c1=0  and a2x +b2y +c2=0 are identical if

40 / 100

40. The two lines 2𝑥^2 – 2𝑥𝑦 + 𝑘𝑦^2 = 0 are perpendicular to each other if k is

41 / 100

41. The equation of the circle touching the positive x-axis and y-axis with radius 2 units is

42 / 100

42. If the line 4𝑥 + 3𝑦 = 𝑘 is tangent to the circle 𝑥^2 + 𝑦^2 = 25 at (3,4) then k is

43 / 100

43. Limit and Continuity

44 / 100


45 / 100

45. The derivative of 𝑦 = 𝑏^𝑥 is

46 / 100

46. The derivative of 𝑦 = cos(𝑐𝑜𝑠√𝑥) 𝑖s

47 / 100

47. The value of x for which the derivative of 𝑥^2 +2𝑥 + 2 is zero is

48 / 100

48. The point of inflection of the curve 𝑥^3 +3𝑥^2– 9𝑥 + 2 is

49 / 100

49. Integration

50 / 100


51 / 100

51. The dimensions of (h/e) are same as that of

52 / 100

52. The number of significant figures in 0.0030 ×10^11𝑚 are

53 / 100

53. µ𝑠 and µ𝑘 are coefficient of static and kinetic frictions between two bodies. Then

54 / 100

54. When a torque acts on a body, the change in angular momentum of the body is

55 / 100

55. The Poisson’s ratio of material can’t be

56 / 100

56. The depth of water at which air-bubble of radius 0.4 mm may remain in equilibrium (surface tension of water = 72 × 10^−3 N/m, g= 9.8 𝑚/𝑠^2 is given by

57 / 100

57. When a cylinder is heated, its length increases by 2%, the area of its base will increase by:

58 / 100

58. In a pressure cooker food is cooked usually at a pressure

59 / 100

59. The mean free path of a gas varies with absolute temperature (T) as

60 / 100

60. The efficiency of Carnot engine working between steam point and ice point is:

61 / 100

61. The bending of sound waves through the corners of the obstacle is called

62 / 100

62. When a tuning fork is vibrated its prongs have a phase difference of:

63 / 100

63. The image of an object placed at the focus of convex mirror is at a distance

64 / 100

64. If sky is seen from moon’s surface, it will appear

65 / 100

65. A double convex air bubble in a glass sheet would behave as a

66 / 100

66. When two prisms are combined it gives

67 / 100

67. Which property of electrons is used in an electron microscope?

68 / 100

68. A system of three charges may be in equilibrium. If they are placed

69 / 100

69. The radius of Earth is 6400 km. The capacitance
a. 6400 MF b. 6400 F c. 1 F d. 711 µF

70 / 100

70. Two wires of same material have lengths L and 2L and cross reaction areas 4A and A respectively. The ratio of their specific resistances would be

71 / 100

71. The magnetic field induction inside a long solenoid is

72 / 100

72. Electrons in the atoms are held due to

73 / 100

73. Which series of H atom lies in visible region?

74 / 100

74. The half-life of a substance is 1600 years. The mean life is

75 / 100

75. Rydberg constant is

76 / 100

76. How many orbitals are possible for principle quantum number 3?

77 / 100

77. The number of moles of water present in 18g of water is

78 / 100

78. The half-life of an radioisotope is 30 minutes. After how much time the amount of radioisotope left is 1/4th of the original amount?

79 / 100

79. What is oxidation of chlorine in HOCl?

80 / 100

80. Haemoglobin contains 0.33% of iron by weight. Molecular weight of haemoglobin is 67200. The number of iron atoms (At wt of Fe = 55.85) in one molecule of haemoglobin is

81 / 100

81. Electronic configuration of four elements A, B,C, D are as follow, which will be most metallic?

82 / 100

82. In which of the following compound the molecular geometry cannot be predicted by the use of VSEPR theory?

83 / 100

83. Consider the reaction 2A +B →C + D. If the concentration of the reactants are increase by three times, the rate of reaction will increase by.

84 / 100

84. An aqueous solution of NaCl would be

85 / 100

85. An aqueous solution of NaCl would be

86 / 100

86. The pH of pure water at 50ᵒC would be

87 / 100

87. Which of the following metals generate H2 on treatment with dil.HNO3?

88 / 100

88. 1 M 𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 is equal to1𝑁 𝐻2𝑆𝑂4

89 / 100

89. Hydrogen molecule which has parallel spin of two nuclei is called

90 / 100

90. Ammonia is manufactured by the use of

91 / 100

91. Haematite is an ore of

92 / 100

92. Which of the following is not a nucleophile?

93 / 100

93. Anti-Markovnikov addition of HBr is observed in

94 / 100

94. When oxalic acid crystals and glycerol are mixed and heated to about 110ᵒC, the compound obtained is

95 / 100

95. Which of the following is a meta directing group?

96 / 100

96. How many position isomers are possible for dichlorobenzene?

97 / 100

97. Which one of the following is a condensation polymer?

98 / 100

98. Penicillin is an example of

99 / 100

99. Enzymes are

100 / 100

100. Which base is found only in the nucleotides of RNA?

Your score is

The average score is 51%


For 2071 Entrance Exam Questions Videos Check it out these videos. In this video you will know to solve question with the help of given options, we are using shortcut trick for solving questions and many more in this videos so watch till the end

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